
Vervain (Verven)

...the green leaves stamped with hogs grease takes away the swelling and pain of hot impostumes and tumors, and cleanse corrupt and rotten ulcers.

It is reported to be of singular force against the Tertian and Quartan Fevers: but you must observe mother Bombies rules, to take just so many knots or sprigs, and no more, lest it fall out so that it do you no good.... Many odd old wives fables are written of Verven tending to witchcraft and sorcery, which you many read elsewhere, for I am not willing to trouble your ears with reporting such trifles, as honest ears abhor to hear....

The herb stamped with oil of Roses and Vinegar, or the decoction of it made in oil of roses, keepeth the hairs from falling, being bathed or anointed therewith.

It is a remedy against putrified ulcers, it healeth up wounds, and perfectly cureth Fistulas, it wasteth away old swellings, and taketh away the heat of inflammations....

Most of the later Physicians do give the juice or decoction hereof to them that have the plague: but these men are deceived, not only in that they look for some truth from the father of falsehood and leasings, but also because in stead of a good and sure remedy they minister no remedy at all; for it is reported, that the Devil did reveal it as a secret and divine medicine.

Gerard, p. 718-9.

Leasing: Lying, falsehood. Oxford English Dictionary

Blackwell, Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum, Pl.46. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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