

Being eaten it heateth the body extremely, attenuatedth and maketh thin thick and gross humors, cutteth such as are tough and clammy, digesteth and consumeth them, also openeth obstructions, is an enemy to all cold poisons, and to the bitings of venomous beasts....

It taketh away the roughness of the throat, it helpeth an old cough, it provoketh urine, it breaketh and consumeth wind, and is also a remedy for the Dropsy which proceedeth of a cold cause.

It killeth worms in the belly, and driveth them forth....

It helpeth a very cold stomach, and is a preservative against the contagious and pestilent air....

   It taketh away the morphew, tetters, or ring-worms, scabbed heads in children, dandruff and scurf, tempered with honey, and the parts anointed therewith.

With Fig leaves and Cumin it is laid on against the bitings of the Mouse....

Gerard, p. 177.

Morphew: Any of various skin diseases characterized by localized or generalized discoloration of the skin; (also) a discoloured lesion of the skin. Oxford English Dictionary

Tetter: A general term for any pustular herpetiform eruption of the skin, as eczema, herpes, impetigo, ringworm, etc. Oxford English Dictionary

 Scurf: A morbid condition of the skin, esp. of the head, characterized by the separation of branny scales, without inflammation. Obs. Oxford English Dictionary

Woodville, Medical botany, 168.  Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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