The Plague Book :: Page 15

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

of the Physicians

      Take the powder of Turmentill, the weight of
vi. d. with Sorrell or Scabious water in Sommer,
and in Winter with water of Valerian or com-
mon drinke.
      Or els in one day they may take a litle Worme-
wood, and Valerian with a graine of Salt. In an-
other day they may take vii. or viii. berries of Iuni-
per, dried and put in powder, and taking the same
with common drinke, or with drinke in which
Wormwood and Rue hath bene steeped al ye night.
      Also ye triakle called Diatesserou, which is made
but of iiii. things of light price easie to be had.
      Also the roote of Enula Campana, either taken
in powder with drinke, or hanged about the brest.
      Likewise a piece of Arras roote kept in ye mouth
as men passe in the streetes, is very good Cordiall.
      Take vi. leaues of Sorrell, wash them with wa-
ter and vineger, let them lye to steepe in the said
water and vineger a while, then eat them fasting,
and keepe in your mouth and chewe nowe or then
either Setwall, or the roote of Angelica, or a litle
      Take the roote of Enula Campana being layde
and steeped in vineger, & grosse beaten, put a litle
of it in a handkercheife, and smel to it if you resort
to any that is infected.

For women with childe, or such as be delicate
and tender, and cannot away with
taking of medicines.

Make a tost of white or of the second bread, as
you think good, and sprinkle on it being
hotte a little good wine vineger, made with
                                                C. ii.        Rose

Modern Transcript

of the Physicians.

      Take the powder of Tormentil, the weight of
vi. d. with Sorrel or Scabious water in Summer,
and in Winter with water of Valerian or com-
mon drink.
      Or else in one day they may take a little Worm-
wood, and Valerian with a grain of Salt.  In an-
other day they may take vii. or viii. berries of Juni-
per, dried and put in powder, and taking the same
with common drink, or with drink in which
Wormwood and Rue hath been steeped all the night.
      Also the treacle called Diatessaron, which is made
but of iiii. things of light price easy to be had.
      Also the root of Enula Campana, either taken in
powder with drink, or hanged about the breast.
      Likewise a piece of Arras root kept in the mouth
as men pass in the streets, is very good Cordial.
      Take vi. leaves of Sorrel, wash them with wa-
ter and vinegar, let them lie to steep in the said
water and vinegar a while, then eat them fasting,
and keep in your mouth and chew now or then
either Setwall, or the root of Angelica, or a little
      Take the root of Enula Campana being laid
and steeped in vinegar, & gross beaten, put a little
of it in a handkerchief, and smell to it if you resort
to any that is infected.

For women with child, or such as be delicate
and tender, and cannot away with
taking of medicines.

Make a toast of white or of the second bread, as
you think good, and sprinkle on it being
hot a little good wine vinegar, made with
                                                C. ii.        Rose

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