The Plague Book :: Page 22

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

The Aduise

The second.

Take of the leaues of Mallowes, of Camomill
flowers, of eyther of them an handfull, of
Lineseede beaten into powder two ounces,
boyle the Mallowe leaues first cut, and the flowers
of the Camomil in faire water standing aboue a
fingers breadth, boyle all them together vntil all
the water almost be spent: then put thereunto the
Lineseede, of Wheate flower halfe an handful, of
swines grease the skins taken away iii.ounces,
of oyle of Roses two ounces, stirre thë still with a
sticke, and let them all boyle together on a soft fire
without smoke, vntill the water be vtterly spent,
beate them all together in a morter, vntill they
be wel encorporated together, & in feeling smooth,
& not rough: then make part thereof hot in a dish
set vpon a chafindish of coales, & lay it thicke vpõ a
linnen cloth applying it to the sore.

Another excellent medicine to ripen and
bring out the Sore.

Take a white Onion cut in pieces, of fresh
butter three ounces, of Leuen the weight of
twelue pence, of Mallowes one handfull, of
Scabious if it may be had one handefull, of Cloues
of garlicke the weight of xx.d. boyle them on the
fyre in sufficient water, and make a pultesse of it,
and lay it warme to the sore.


To the sore it selfe do thus. Take two hand-
full of Valerian, three rootes of Danewort, a
handefull of Smalledge, or Louage, yf you can

Modern Transcript

The Advice

The second.

Take of the leaves of Mallows, of Chamomile
flowers, of either of them a handful, of
Linseed beaten into powder two ounces,
boil the Mallow leaves first cut, and the flowers
of the Chamomile in fair water standing above a
fingers breadth, boil all them together until all
the water almost be spent: then put thereunto the
Linseed, of Wheat flower half a handful, of
swine’s grease the skins taken away iii.ounces,
of oil of Roses two ounces, stir them still with a
stick, and let them all boil together on a soft fire
without smoke, until the water be utterly spent,
beat them all together in a mortar, until they
be well incorporated together, & in feeling smooth,
& not rough: then make part thereof hot in a dish
set upon a chafing dish of coals, & lay it thick upon a
linen cloth applying it to the sore.

Another excellent medicine to ripen and
bring out the Sore.

Take a white Onion cut in pieces, of fresh
butter three ounces, of Leaven the weight of
twelve pence, of Mallows one handful, of
Scabious if it may be had one handful, of Cloves
of garlic the weight of xx.d. boil them on the
fire in sufficient water, and make a poultice of it,
and lay it warm to the sore.


To the sore itself do thus.  Take two hand-
ful of Valerian, three roots of Danewort, a
handful of Smallage, or Lovage, if you can

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