
Smallage (Water parsley)

The same juice doth perfectly cure the malicious and venomous ulcers of the mouth, and of the almonds of the throat, with the decoction of Barley and Mel Rosarum or honey of Roses added, if the parts be washed therewith: it likewise helpeth all outward ulcers and foul wounds: with honey it is profitable also for cankers exulcerated, for although it cannot cure them yet it keeps them from putrifaction, and preserveth them from stinking: the seed is good for those things for which that of the garden Parsley is: yet is not the use thereof so safe, for it hurteth those that are troubled with the falling sickness, as by evident proofs it is very well known.

Smallage, as Pliny writeth, hath a peculiar virtue against the biting of venomous spiders.

The juice of Smallage mixed with honey and bean flour, doth make an excellent mundificative for old ulcers and malignant sores, and stayeth also the weeping of the cut or hurt sinews in simple members, which are not very fatty or fleshy, and bringeth the same to perfect digestion.

The leaves boiled in hogs grease, and made into the form of a poultice, take away the pain of felons and whitlows in the fingers, and ripen and heal them.

Gerard, p. 1015.

Mundificative: Having the power to cleanse (esp. an ulcer, wound, etc.) Oxford English Dictionary

Felon: A small abscess or boil, an inflamed sore. Oxford English Dictionary

Whitlow: A suppurative inflammatory sore or swelling in a finger or thumb, usually in the terminal joint. Oxford English Dictionary

Blackwell, A curious herbal, p. 443. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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