

Tormentil is ... much used against pestilent diseases: for it strongly resisteth putrifaction, and procureth sweat.

The leaves and roots boiled in wine, or the juice thereof drunk, provoke sweat, & by that means drive out all venom from the heart, expel poison, and preserve the body from infection in time of pestilence, and from all other infectious diseases.

The roots dried, made into powder, and drunk in wine, do the same.

The same powder taken as aforesaid, or in the water of a smiths forge, or rather in water wherein hot steel hath been often quenched of purpose, cureth the lask and bloody flux, yea although the Patient have adjoining to his scouring a grievous fever.

It stoppeth the spitting of blood, pissing of blood, and all other issues of blood in man or woman.

The decoction of the leaves and roots, or the juice thereof drunk, is good for all wounds both outward and inward: it also openeth and healeth the stoppings of the liver and lungs, and cureth the jaundice.

The root beaten into powder, tempered or kneaded with the white of an egg and eaten, stayeth the desire to vomit, and is good against choler and melancholy.

Gerard, p. 992-3.

Scouring: The state or fact of being purged; a looseness or flux of the bowels, diarrhea; esp. as a disease in livestock. Oxford English Dictionary

Blackwell, A curious herbal, p. 445. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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