
Howsleek (Houseleek)

They are good against S. Anthonies fire, the shingles, and other creeping ulcers and inflammations....

They take away the fire of burnings and scaldings, and being applied with barley meal dried, do take away the pain of the gout....

The juice put up in a pessary do stay the fluxes in women, proceeding of a hot cause; the leaves held in the mouth do quench the thirst in hot burning fevers....

The juice hereof taketh away corns from the toes and feet, if they be washed and bathed therewith, and every day and night as it were emplastered with the skin of the same Houseleek, which certainly taketh them away without incision or such like....

The decoction of Houseleek or the juice thereof drunk, is good against the bloody flux, and cooleth the inflammation of the eyes, being dropped thereinto, and the herb bruised and laid upon them.

Gerard, p. 511.

Candolle, Pl. 104. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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