

The leaves of this tree are of so great virtue against serpents, that they dare not so much as touch the morning and evening shadows of the tree, but shun them afar off...the serpent being penned in with boughs laid round about, will sooner run into the fire, if any be there, than come near the boughs of the Ash; and ... the Ash flowereth before the serpents appear, and doth not cast his leaves before they be gone again....

Both the leaves and bark are reported to stop the belly and being boiled with vinegar & water, do stay vomiting, if they be laid upon the stomach.

The leaves and bark of the Ash tree boiled in wine and drunk, do open the stoppings of the liver and spleen, and do greatly comfort them.

Three or four leaves of the Ash tree taken in wine each morning from time to time, do make those lean that are fat, and keep them from feeding that begin to wax fat....

The Lee which is made of the ashes of bark cureth the white scurf, and such other roughness of the skin, as Pliny testifieth.

Gerard, p. 1472.

Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Traité des arbres forestiers.  Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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