

Betony is good for them that be subject to the falling sickness, and for those also that have ill heads upon a cold cause.

It cleanseth the lungs and chest, it taketh away obstructions or stoppings of the liver, milt, and gall: it is good against the yellow jaundice.

It maketh a man to have a good stomach and appetite to his meat: it prevaileth against...belchings: it maketh a man piss well: it mitigateth pain in the kidneys and bladder: it breaketh stones in the kidneys, and driveth them forth.

It is also good for ruptures, cramps, and convulsions: it is a remedy against the biting of mad dogs and venomous serpents, being drunk, and also applied to the hurts, and is most singular against poison.

It is commended against the pain of the Sciatica, or ache of the hucklebone....

It is singular against all pains of the head: it killeth worms in the belly, helpeth the ague: it cleanseth the mother, and hath great virtue to heal the body, being hurt within by bruising or such like.

Gerard, p. 714-5.

Milt: The spleen, esp. (now) the spleen of an animal reared for food. Oxford English Dictionary

Blackwell, Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum, Pl.46. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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