The distilled water of Lavender smelt unto, or the temples and forehead bathed therewith, is a refreshing to them that have the Catalepsy, a light megrim, and to them that have the falling sickness, and that use to swoon much. But when there is abundance of humours, especially mixed with blood, it is not then to be used safely, neither is the composition to be taken which is made of distilled wine: in which such kinds of herbs, flowers, or seeds, and certain spices are infused or steeped, though most men do rashly and at adventure give them without making any difference at all. For by using such hot things that fill and stuff the head, both the disease is made greater, and the sick man also brought into danger, especially when letting of blood, or purging have not gone before. Thus much by way of admonition, because that every where some unlearned Physicians and divers rash & overbold Apothecaries, and other foolish women, do by and by give such compositions, and others of the like kind,... seeing those things do very much hurt, and oftentimes bring death it self.
Gerard, p. 584.
Megrim: Headache; spec. migraine. Also: a headache or attack of migraine. Oxford English Dictionary
Köhler, 60. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.