The Aduise of the Physicians.
and be perfectly whole and found, which in san-
guine & cholericke persons will be healed sooner,
then in melancholike & flegmatike complexions.
Such persons may not wel be conuersant with
them which are not infected, for the space of
one moneth.
Infected clothes.
The cõtagion suspected to remaine in clothes,
either wollen or linnen, cannot wel be auoy-
ded by better meanes, then by fire and wa-
ter, by often washing & airing the same in frosts,
and sunne shine, with good discretion, and bur-
ning the clothes of small value.
Imprinted at London by Christo-
pher Barker, Printer to the Queenes
most excellent Maiestie.
The Plague Book :: Page 24
Vernacular Transcript
The Aduise of the Physicians.
and be perfectly whole and found, which in san-
guine & cholericke persons will be healed sooner,
then in melancholike & flegmatike complexions.
Such persons may not wel be conuersant with
them which are not infected, for the space of
one moneth.
Infected clothes.
The cõtagion suspected to remaine in clothes,
either wollen or linnen, cannot wel be auoy-
ded by better meanes, then by fire and wa-
ter, by often washing & airing the same in frosts,
and sunne shine, with good discretion, and bur-
ning the clothes of small value.
Imprinted at London by Christo-
pher Barker, Printer to the Queenes
most excellent Maiestie.
Modern Transcript
The Advice of the Physicians.
and be perfectly whole and found, which in san-
guine & choleric persons will be healed sooner,
then in melancholic & phlegmatic complexions.
Such persons may not well be conversant with
them which are not infected, for the space of
one month.
Infected clothes.
The contagion suspected to remain in clothes,
either woolen or linen, cannot well be avoi-
ded by better means, then by fire and wa-
ter, by often washing & airing the same in frosts,
and sunshine, with good discretion, and bur-
ning the clothes of small value.
Imprinted at London by Christo-
pher Barker, Printer to the Queen’s
most excellent Majesty.