The Plague Book :: Page 9

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

Orders to be obserued,

ding to the preseruation of her Maiesties subiectes
from the infection, and to the end their care and di-
ligence may the better appeare, they shall certifie in
writing the sayde orders newly deuised, and if any
shall wilfully breake and contemne the same or any
the orders herein specified, they shal either presently
punishe them by imprisonment, or if the persons so
contemning them, shall be of such countenance as
the Iustices shall thinke meete to haue their faults
knowen to her Maiestie, or to the Councell, they
shall charge and binde them to appeare before vs, &
the contempt duely certified, that there may bee a
more notorious sharpe example made by punish-
ment of the same by order of her Maiestie.

15 15 Item, if there be lacke of Iustices in some
partes of the shire, or if they which are Iustices
there shall be for the tyme absent, in that case the
more nomber of the Iustices at their assemblie shal
make choyse of some conuenient persons to supply
those places for the better execution hereof.

16 16 Item, if there by any person Ecclesiastical or
laye, that shall holde and publishe any opinions (as
in some places report is made) that it is a vayne
thing to forbeare to resort to the infected, or that it
is not charitable to forbid the same, pretending that
no person shall dye but at their type prefixed, such
persons shalbe not onely reprehended, but by order
of the Bishop, if they be ecclesiasticall, shalbe forbid-
den to preache, and being laye, shalbe also enioyned
to forbeare to vtter such dangerous opinions vpon
payne of imprisonment, which shall be excuted, if
they shall perseuer in that error. And yet it shall ap-

Modern Transcript

Orders to be observed,

ding to the preservation of her Majesty’s subjects
from the infection, and to the end their care and di-
ligence may the better appear, they shall certify in
writing the said orders newly devised, and if any
shall willfully break and contemn the same or any
the orders herein specified, they shall either presently
punish them by imprisonment, or if the persons so
contemning them, shall be of such countenance as
the Justices shall think meet to have their faults
known to her Majesty, or to the Council, they
shall charge and bind them to appear before us, &
the contempt duly certified, that there may bee a
more notorious sharp example made by punish-
ment of the same by order of her Majesty.

15 15 Item, if there be lack of justices in some
parts of the shire, or if they which are Justices
there shall be for the time absent, in that case the
more number of the Justices at their assembly shall
make choice of some convenient persons to supply
those places for the better execution hereof.

16 16 Item, if there by any person Ecclesiastical or
lay, that shall hold and publish any opinions (as
in some places report is made) that it is a vain
thing to forbear to resort to the infected, or that it
is not charitable to forbid the same, pretending that
no person shall die but at their type prefixed, such
persons shall be not only reprehended, but by order
of the Bishop, if they be ecclesiastical, shall be forbid-
den to preach, and being lay, shall be also enjoined
to forbear to utter such dangerous opinions upon
pain of imprisonment, which shall be executed, if
they shall persevere in that error.  And yet it shall ap-

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