of the Physicians.
fest way is to moue sweatings, and to defend the
heart by some cordiall thing.
If the pacient be costiue and bound in his bo-
die, let him take a Suppositarie made with a litle
boyled Honney, and a litle fine powder of Salt,
and so taken in at the fundament and kept till it
mooue a stoole.
An excellent Medicine made with-
out charges.
Take of the powder of good Bayberries, the
huske taken awaye from them, before
they be dried, a spooneful: Let the patient
drincke this, well mingled in a draught of good
stale Ale or Beere, which is neither sowre nor
dead, or with a draught of white wine, and go to
bedde and cast himselfe into a sweat, and forbeare
sleepe as is aforesaid.
An other soueraigne remedie, that is
a stilled water.
Take the inwarde barke of the Ashe tree, a
pound, of Walnuts with the greene outward
shelles, to the number of 50, cut these small,
of Scabious, of Veruen, of Petimorel, of Howsleeke, of
euery one a handfull, of Saffron halfe an ounce,
powre vpon these ye strongest Vineger you can get
foure pynts, let them a litle boyle together vpon a
very soft fire, and then stand in a very close potte
The Plague Book :: Page 17

Vernacular Transcript
of the Physicians.
fest way is to moue sweatings, and to defend the
heart by some cordiall thing.
If the pacient be costiue and bound in his bo-
die, let him take a Suppositarie made with a litle
boyled Honney, and a litle fine powder of Salt,
and so taken in at the fundament and kept till it
mooue a stoole.
An excellent Medicine made with-
out charges.
Take of the powder of good Bayberries, the
huske taken awaye from them, before
they be dried, a spooneful: Let the patient
drincke this, well mingled in a draught of good
stale Ale or Beere, which is neither sowre nor
dead, or with a draught of white wine, and go to
bedde and cast himselfe into a sweat, and forbeare
sleepe as is aforesaid.
An other soueraigne remedie, that is
a stilled water.
Take the inwarde barke of the Ashe tree, a
pound, of Walnuts with the greene outward
shelles, to the number of 50, cut these small,
of Scabious, of Veruen, of Petimorel, of Howsleeke, of
euery one a handfull, of Saffron halfe an ounce,
powre vpon these ye strongest Vineger you can get
foure pynts, let them a litle boyle together vpon a
very soft fire, and then stand in a very close potte
Modern Transcript
of the Physicians.
fest way is to move sweatings, and to defend the
heart by some cordial thing.
If the patient be costive and bound in his bo-
dy, let him take a Suppository made with a little
boiled Honey, and a little fine powder of Salt,
and so taken in at the fundament and kept till it
move a stool.
An excellent Medicine made with-
out charges.
Take of the powder of good Bayberries, the
husk taken away from them, before
they be dried, a spoonful: Let the patient
drink this, well mingled in a draught of good
stale Ale or Beer, which is neither sour nor
dead, or with a draught of white wine, and go to
bed and cast himself into a sweat, and forbear
sleep as is aforesaid.
An other sovereign remedy, that is
a stilled water.
Take the inward bark of the Ash tree, a
pound, of Walnuts with the green outward
shells, to the number of 50, cut these small,
of Scabious, of Vervain, of Petimorel, of Howsleek, of
every one a handful, of Saffron half an ounce,
pour upon these the strongest Vinegar you can get
four pints, let them a little boil together upon a
very soft fire, and then stand in a very close pot