The Plague Book :: Page 18

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

The Aduise

well stopt all a night vpon the embers, afterward
distill them with a soft fire, and receyue the water
close kept. Giue vnto the Patient layd in bedde &
wel couered with clothes, two ounces of this wa-
ter to drink, & let him be prouoked to sweat, & eue-
ry sixe houres, during the space of xxiiii. houres,
giue him the same quantitie to drinke. This Me-
dicine for the worthines therof, and because it wil
stand the maker thereof in little charge, it shall be
very well done to distill it in the Sommer when
the Walnutts hang greene on the tree, that it maye
bee ready against the time that occasion serueth
to vse it.

1. Bloud letting.

If the Pacient be ful of humors which be good,
let him immediatly be let bloud vpon the Ly-
uer veine in the right arme, or in the Median
veine of the same arme (if no sore appeare) in the
first day.

2. Medicine purgatiue.

For the poore take Aloes ye weight of vi. d. put
in the pappe of an Apple: and for the richer
Pilles of Rufus to be had in euery good Apothe-
caries shoppe.
       After letting of bloud and purging (as shall be
needfull) some of the forenamed Cordials are to
be vsed.
      These preparations thus vsed ye first day that
the Pacient shall fall sicke, as cause shalbe to vse
the one or the other (no sore appearing) in which

Modern Transcript

The Advice

well stopped all a night upon the embers, afterward
distill them with a soft fire, and receive the water
close kept.  Give unto the Patient laid in bed &
well covered with clothes, two ounces of this wa-
ter to drink, & let him be provoked to sweat, & eve-
ry six hours, during the space of xxiiii. hours,
give him the same quantity to drink.  This Me-
dicine for the worthiness thereof, and because it will
stand the maker thereof in little charge, it shall be
very well done to distill it in the Summer when
the Walnuts hang green on the tree, that it may
be ready against the time that occasion serves
to use it.

1. Blood letting.

If the Patient be full of humors which be good,
let him immediately be let blood upon the Li-
ver vein in the right arm, or in the Median
vein of the same arm (if no sore appear) in the
first day.

2. Medicine purgative.

For the poor take Aloes the weight of vi. d. put
in the pap of an Apple: and for the richer
Pills of Rufus to be had in every good Apothe-
cary’s shop.
       After letting of blood and purging (as shall be
needful) some of the forenamed Cordials are to
be used.
       These preparations thus used the first day that
the Patient shall fall sick, as cause shall be to use
the one or the other (no sore appearing) in which

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