against the infection of the plague
parated by name of the Countie.
4 Item, they shal cause to be appointed in eue- 4
ry Parish aswell infected as not infected, certaine
persons to viewe the bodies of all such as shall die,
before they be suffered to be buried, and to certifie
the Minister of the Church and Church warden, or
other principal officers, or their substitutes, of what
probable disease the said persons died: and the saide
viewers to haue weekely some allowance, and the
more large allowance where the Townes or Pa-
rishes be infected, during the infection, towards
their maintenance, to the end they which shal be in
places infected, may forbeare to resort into the com-
panie of others that are founde: and those persons
to be sworne to make true report according to their
knowledge, and the choice of them to be made by
direction of the Curat of the Church, with three or
foure substantiall men of the Parish. And in case
the said viewers either through fauour or corrupti-
on, shal giue wrong certificat, or shal refuse to serue
being thereto appointed, then to cause them to be
punished by imprisonmet, in such sort as may serue
for a terror to others.
5 Item, the houses of such persons out of the 5
which there shall dye any of the plague, being so
certified by the viewers, or otherwise knowen, or
where it shalbe vnderstood, that any person remai-
neth sicke of the plague, to be closed vp on all parts
during the time of restraint, vz, sixe weekes, after
the sicknesse be ceased in the same house, in case the
said houses so infected shalbe within any Towne
hauing houses neere adioyning to the same. And if
The Plague Book :: Page 4
Vernacular Transcript
against the infection of the plague
parated by name of the Countie.
4 Item, they shal cause to be appointed in eue- 4
ry Parish aswell infected as not infected, certaine
persons to viewe the bodies of all such as shall die,
before they be suffered to be buried, and to certifie
the Minister of the Church and Church warden, or
other principal officers, or their substitutes, of what
probable disease the said persons died: and the saide
viewers to haue weekely some allowance, and the
more large allowance where the Townes or Pa-
rishes be infected, during the infection, towards
their maintenance, to the end they which shal be in
places infected, may forbeare to resort into the com-
panie of others that are founde: and those persons
to be sworne to make true report according to their
knowledge, and the choice of them to be made by
direction of the Curat of the Church, with three or
foure substantiall men of the Parish. And in case
the said viewers either through fauour or corrupti-
on, shal giue wrong certificat, or shal refuse to serue
being thereto appointed, then to cause them to be
punished by imprisonmet, in such sort as may serue
for a terror to others.
5 Item, the houses of such persons out of the 5
which there shall dye any of the plague, being so
certified by the viewers, or otherwise knowen, or
where it shalbe vnderstood, that any person remai-
neth sicke of the plague, to be closed vp on all parts
during the time of restraint, vz, sixe weekes, after
the sicknesse be ceased in the same house, in case the
said houses so infected shalbe within any Towne
hauing houses neere adioyning to the same. And if
Modern Transcript
against the infection of the plague.
parated by name of the County.
4 Item, they shall cause to be appointed in eve- 4
ry Parish as well infected as not infected, certain
persons to view the bodies of all such as shall die,
before they be suffered to be buried, and to certify
the Minister of the Church and Church warden, or
other principal officers, or their substitutes, of what
probable disease the said persons died: and the said
viewers to have weekly some allowance, and the
more large allowance where the Towns or Pa-
rishes be infected, during the infection, towards
their maintenance, to the end they which shall be in
places infected, may forbear to resort into the com-
pany of others that are found: and those persons
to be sworn to make true report according to their
knowledge, and the choice of them to be made by
direction of the Curate of the Church, with three or
four substantial men of the Parish. And in case
the said viewers either through fauor or corrupti-
on, shall give wrong certificate, or shall refuse to serve
being thereto appointed, then to cause them to be
punished by imprisonmẽt, in such sort as may serve
for a terror to others.
5 Item, the houses of such persons out of the 5
which there shall die any of the plague, being so
certified by the viewers, or otherwise known, or
where it shall be understood, that any person remai-
ns sick of the plague, to be closed up on all parts
during the time of restraint, viz, six weeks, after
the sickness be ceased in the same house, in case the
said houses so infected shall be within any Town
having houses near adjoining to the same. And if