The Plague Book :: Page 2

Vernacular Transcript
Orders thought
meete by her Maiestie and her priuie
Councel, to be executed throughout the Counties
of this Realme, in such Townes, Villages, and other
places, as are, or may be hereafter infected
with the plague, for the stay of fur-
ther increase of the same.
IN primis, all the Iustices in euery 1
Countie, aswell within the liberties
as without, immediatly vpon know-
ledge to them giuen, shall assemble
themselues together at some one ge-
nerall place accustomed, being cleare from infecti-
on of the plague, to consult howe these orders follo-
wing may be duely put in execution, not meaning
that any Iustices dwelling in or nere places infec-
ted, shall come thither whiles their comming may
be doubtful. And after their first generall assembly,
they shal make a distribution of themselues to sun-
dry limits and diuisions, as in other common serui-
ces for the Countie they are accustomed to doe for
the prosecution thereof.
2 First, they shall inquire, and presently informe 2
themselues by all good meanes, what Townes
and Villages are at the time of such assemblie in-
fected within euery their Counties, and in what
Hundred or other diuision, the said Townes & Vil-
lages are, and howe many of the same places so in-
fected are corporat Townes, market Townes and
Villages, and shall consider of what wealth the in-
A.iii. habitants
Modern Transcript
Orders thought
meet by her Majesty and her privy
Council, to be executed throughout the Counties
of this Realm, in such Towns, Villages, and other
places, as are, or may be hereafter infected
with the plague, for the stay of fur-
ther increase of the same.
IN primis, all the Justices in every 1
County, as well within the liberties
as without, immediately upon know-
ledge to them given, shall assemble
themselves together at some one ge-
neral place accustomed, being clear from infecti-
on of the plague, to consult how these orders follo-
wing may be duly put in execution, not meaning
that any Justices dwelling in or near places infec-
ted, shall come thither while their coming may
be doubtful. And after their first general assembly,
they shall make a distribution of themselves to sun-
dry limits and divisions, as in other common servi-
ces for the County they are accustomed to do for
the prosecution thereof.
2 First, they shall inquire, and presently inform 2
themselves by all good means, what Towns
and Villages are at the time of such assembly in-
fected within every their Counties, and in what
Hundred or other division, the said Towns & Vil-
lages are, and how many of the same places so in-
fected are corporate Towns, market Towns and
Villages, and shall consider of what wealth the in-
A.iii. habitants