The Plague Book :: Page 6

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

against the infection of the plague.

almes and reliefe, will be more willing to giue some
portions of victuall, as corn, bread or other meate,
the same shall be committed to the charge of some
speciall persons, that will honestly and truely pre-
serue the same, to be distributed as they shall be ap-
pointed for the poore that are infected.

 7 Item, to appoynt certaine persons dwelling  7
Within the townes infected, to prouide and deliuer
all necessaries of victuals, or any matter of wat-
ching or other attendance, to keepe such as are of
good wealth being restrainted, at their owne proper
charges, and the poore at the common charges: and
the said persons to appoynted to be ordered, not to
resort to any publique assemblie during the tyme of
such their attendance, as also to weare some marke
on their vpper garment, or to beare a white rod in
their hande, to the end others may auoyde their

 8 Item, that in the shire towne in euery Coun-  8
tie, and in other great townes meete for that pur-
pose, there may be prouision bespoken and made, of
such preseruatiues & other remedies, which other-
wise in meaner townes can not be readily had, as
by the Physicians shall be prescribed, and is at this
present reduced into an Aduise made by the Physi-
cians, and nowe printed and sent with the sayd or-
ders, which may be fixed in market places, vpon
places vsual for such publique matters, and in other
townes in the bodies of the parishe churches, and
chappells, in which aduise only such things are pre-
scribed, as vsually are to be had and founde in all
countries without great charge or cost.
                                                B. i.           9 Item,

Modern Transcript

against the infection of the plague.

alms and relief, will be more willing to give some
portions of victual, as corn, bread or other meat,
the same shall be committed to the charge of some
special persons, that will honestly and truly pre-
serve the same, to be distributed as they shall be ap-
pointed for the poor that are infected.

 7 Item, to appoint certain persons dwelling  7
Within the towns infected, to provide and deliver
all necessaries of victuals, or any matter of wat-
ching or other attendance, to keep such as are of
good wealth being restrained, at their own proper
charges, and the poor at the common charges: and
the said persons to appointed to be ordered, not to
resort to any public assembly during the time of
such their attendance, as also to wear some mark
on their upper garment, or to bear a white rod in
their hand, to the end others may avoid their

 8 Item, that in the shire town in every Coun-  8
ty, and in other great towns meet for that pur-
pose, there may be provision bespoken and made, of
such preservatives & other remedies, which other-
wise in meaner towns can not be readily had, as
by the Physicians shall be prescribed, and is at this
present reduced into an Advice made by the Physi-
cians, and now printed and sent with the said or-
ders, which may be fixed in market places, upon
places usual for such public matters, and in other
towns in the bodies of the parish churches, and
chapels, in which advice only such things are pre-
scribed, as usually are to be had and found in all
countries without great charge or cost.
                                              B. i.            9 Item,

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