The Aduise
minish the substance of this Medicine, shall safely
do it, by taking of a greater or lesse quantitie of the
simples according to a due proportion.
A well approued Medicine to
Take of the finest cleare Aloes you can buy, in
colour like to a Liuer, and therefore called
Hepatica, of Cinamo, of Myrrhe, of ech of these
the weight of iii. French crownes, or of xxii. d. of
our money, of Cloues, Maces, Lignum Aloes, of Ma-
sticke, of Bole Oriental, of ech of these half an ounce:
mingle them together and beate them into a very
fine powder. Of the which take euery morning
fasting the weight of a grote of this in white wine
delayed with water, and by the grace of God you
shall be safe from the plague. No man which is
learned, if he examine the simples of this medicine
whereof it consisted, and the nature and power of
them, can denie but that it is a medicine of great
efficacie against the plague, and the simples wher-
of it is made, are easily to be had in any good Apo-
thecaries shoppe, except Bole Orientall, which is
vsed in the stead of true Bolus Armenus, whereof we
haue seene great store in the shopes of master Rich
the Queenes Maiesties Apothecarie, and master
Morgans in Cheapsyde.
Take a drie Figge and open it, and put the ker-
nel of a Walnut into the same being cut very smal,
iii. or iiii. leaues of Rue cõmonly called Herbgrace, a
corne of Salt, then soft the Figge & eate it warme,
fast iii. or iiii. houres after it, and vse this twyse in
the weeke.
The Plague Book :: Page 14
Vernacular Transcript
The Aduise
minish the substance of this Medicine, shall safely
do it, by taking of a greater or lesse quantitie of the
simples according to a due proportion.
A well approued Medicine to
Take of the finest cleare Aloes you can buy, in
colour like to a Liuer, and therefore called
Hepatica, of Cinamo, of Myrrhe, of ech of these
the weight of iii. French crownes, or of xxii. d. of
our money, of Cloues, Maces, Lignum Aloes, of Ma-
sticke, of Bole Oriental, of ech of these half an ounce:
mingle them together and beate them into a very
fine powder. Of the which take euery morning
fasting the weight of a grote of this in white wine
delayed with water, and by the grace of God you
shall be safe from the plague. No man which is
learned, if he examine the simples of this medicine
whereof it consisted, and the nature and power of
them, can denie but that it is a medicine of great
efficacie against the plague, and the simples wher-
of it is made, are easily to be had in any good Apo-
thecaries shoppe, except Bole Orientall, which is
vsed in the stead of true Bolus Armenus, whereof we
haue seene great store in the shopes of master Rich
the Queenes Maiesties Apothecarie, and master
Morgans in Cheapsyde.
Take a drie Figge and open it, and put the ker-
nel of a Walnut into the same being cut very smal,
iii. or iiii. leaues of Rue cõmonly called Herbgrace, a
corne of Salt, then soft the Figge & eate it warme,
fast iii. or iiii. houres after it, and vse this twyse in
the weeke.
Modern Transcript
The Advice
minish the substance of this Medicine, shall safely
do it, by taking of a greater or less quantity of the
simples according to a due proportion.
A well approved Medicine to
Take of the finest clear Aloes you can buy, in
color like to a Liver, and therefore called
Hepatica, of Cinnamon, of Myrrh, of each of these
the weight of iii. French crowns, or of xxii. d. of
our money, of Cloves, Maces, Lignum Aloes, of Ma-
stic, of Bole Oriental, of each of these half an ounce:
mingle them together and beat them into a very
fine powder. Of the which take every morning
fasting the weight of a groat of this in white wine
delayed with water, and by the grace of God you
shall be safe from the plague. No man which is
learned, if he examine the simples of this medicine
whereof it consisted, and the nature and power of
them, can deny but that it is a medicine of great
efficacy against the plague, and the simples where-
of it is made, are easily to be had in any good Apo-
thecary’s shop, except Bole Oriental, which is
used in the stead of true Bolus Armenus, whereof we
have seen great store in the shops of master Rich
the Queens Majesty’s Apothecary, and master
Morgans in Cheapside.
Take a dry Fig and open it, and put the ker-
nel of a Walnut into the same being cut very small,
iii. or iiii. leaves of Rue commonly called Herb-grace, a
corn of Salt, then soft the Fig & eat it warm,
fast iii. or iiii. hours after it, and use this twice in
the week.