The Plague Book :: Page 12

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

The Aduise

Perfuming of Apparel.

Such apparel as you shal commonly weare, let
it be very cleane, and perfume it often eyther
with some red Sãuders burned, or with Iuniper.
And if any shal happen to be with them that are
visited, let such persons as soone as they shal come
home, shift themselues, & aire their other clothes,
in open aire for a time.

Preseruation by way of defence in open
aire, and common assemblies to
be vsed outwardly.

It is good in going abroade into the open aire
in the streetes, to hold some things of sweete sa-
uour in their hands, or in the corner of a hand-
kercheife, as a sponge dipped in Vineger & Rosewa-
ter mixed, or in Vineger, wherein Wormewood, or
Rue called also Herbegrace, hath bene boyled.

Preseruatiue by way of inward

Take a quantitie of Rue, or Wormewood, or of
both, and put it into a potte of vsuall drinke,
close stopped, let it lie so in steepe a whole
night, and drinke thereof in the morning fasting.

      In all Sommer plagues, it shalbe good to vse
Sorrel sauce to be eaten in ye morning with bread,
And in the fall of the leafe to vse the iuice of Bar-
beries with bread also.

Modern Transcript

The Advice

Perfuming of Apparel.

Such apparel as you shall commonly wear, let
it be very clean, and perfume it often either
with some red Saunders burned, or with Juniper.
And if any shall happen to be with them that are
visited, let such persons as soon as they shall come
home, shift themselves, & air their other clothes,
in open air for a time.

Preservation by way of defense in open
air, and common assemblies to
be used outwardly.

It is good in going abroad into the open air
in the streets, to hold some things of sweet sa-
vor in their hands, or in the corner of a hand-
kerchief, as a sponge dipped in Vinegar & Rosewa-
ter mixed, or in Vinegar, wherein Wormwood, or
Rue called also Herb-grace, hath been boiled.

Preservative by way of inward

Take a quantity of Rue, or Wormwood, or of
both, and put it into a pot of usual drink,
close stopped, let it lie so in steep a whole
night, and drink thereof in the morning fasting.

      In all Summer plagues, it shall be good to use
Sorrel sauce to be eaten in the morning with bread,
And in the fall of the leaf to use the juice of Bar-
berries with bread also.

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