The Plague Book :: Page 19

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

of the Physicians.

case if the sore shal appeare, they are both to be for-
borne, the next is to vse all meanes to expell the
poyson, and to defend the heart by Cordials.

3. Medicament expulsiue.

The poyson is expelled best by sweatings pro-
uoked by posset Ale, made with Fenel & Ma-
rigolds in Winter, and with Sorrell, Buglosse
and Borage in Sommer, with the which in both
times they must mixe the triacle of Diatessaroum,
the weight of ix. d. & so to lay them selues with all
quietnes to sweat one halfe houre or an houre, if
they be strong. For they that be neither full of hu-
mors nor corrupt in humors, neede neither pur-
ging nor letting of bloud, but at the first plunge
maye moue themselues to sweat with Cordiall
things mixt with such things as moue sweat, and
are before declared.

What is to be done when there is any
rising or swelling in any part.

Then if by these three meanes the poyson be
expelled outward by Botches, carbuncles or
markes, called Gods markes, according as
nature both expell, so must the further procedings
be, prouiding still, that they continue still in the vse
of the cordiall and moderate sweating now and
then, al the time that the sores be in healing, which
must by the Surgion be handled with great dis-

Modern Transcript

of the Physicians.

case if the sore shall appear, they are both to be for-
borne, the next is to use all means to expel the
poison, and to defend the heart by Cordials.

3. Medicament expulsive.

The poison is expelled best by sweating pro-
voked by posset Ale, made with Fennel & Ma-
rigolds in Winter, and with Sorrel, Bugloss
and Borage in Summer, with the which in both
times they must mix the treacle of Diatessaron,
the weight of ix. d. & so to lay themselves with all
quietness to sweat one half hour or an hour, if
they be strong.  For they that be neither full of hu-
mors nor corrupt in humors, need neither pur-
ging nor letting of blood, but at the first plunge
may move themselves to sweat with Cordial
things mixed with such things as move sweat, and
are before declared.

What is to be done when there is any
rising or swelling in any part.

Then if by these three means the poison be
expelled outward by Botches, carbuncles or
marks, called Gods marks, according as
nature both expel, so must the further proceedings
be, providing still, that they continue still in the use
of the cordial and moderate sweating now and
then, all the time that the sores be in healing, which
must by the Surgeon be handled with great dis-

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