The Plague Book :: Page 20

Page 1 of the Plague Book

Vernacular Transcript

The Aduise

Medicine to be vsed in ordinarie dyet.

It is thought that the powder of harts horne
hath a speciall prerogatiue, to be vsed al the time
of their sickenesse in their broths, and supping,
which in Sommer must euer haue Sorrell, Borage,
Buglosse, and in winter, Betony, and Scabious, or
Morfus Diaboli, and if their habilities do not serue,
let them vse it with Aleburies made with a litle
Nutmegge, or one Cloue, or with Cawdelles in like
maner made with Cloues, Maces, Nutmegges, San-
ders or such like.

Both to preserue and cure the

Take an egge & make a hole in the toppe of it,
takeout the white & yelke, fil the shel with the
weight of two frêch crownes of Saffron, rost
the said egge thus filled with Saffron vnder the
embres, vntill the shell begin to waxe yelow, then
take it from the fire, and beate the shel and Saffron
in a morter together, with halfe a spoonefull of
Mustard seede, take of this powder a french crown
weight, and assoone as you suspect your self infec-
ted, dissolue it into tenne spoonfulles of posset ale, &
drinke it luke warme, then go to bed and prouoke
your selfe to sweating.

To be vsed in the first time of
the Sickenesse.

Another is to take fiue or sixe handefull of
Sorrel, that groweth in the field, or a grea-
ter quantitie according as you will distill

Modern Transcript

The Advice

Medicine to be used in ordinary diet.

It is thought that the powder of harts horn
hath a special prerogative, to be used all the time
of their sickness in their broths, and supping,
which in Summer must ever have Sorrel, Borage,
Bugloss, and in winter, Betony, and Scabious, or
Morfus Diaboli, and if their abilities do not serve,
let them use it with Aleberries made with a little
Nutmeg, or one Clove, or with Caudles in like
manner made with Cloves, Maces, Nutmegs, Saun-
ders or such like.

Both to preserve and cure the

Take an egg & make a hole in the top of it,
take out the white & yolk, fill the shell with the
weight of two french crowns of Saffron, roast
the said egg thus filled with Saffron under the
embers, until the shell begin to wax yellow, then
take it from the fire, and beat the shell and Saffron
in a mortar together, with half a spoonful of
Mustard seed, take of this powder a french crown
weight, and as soon as you suspect your self infec-
ted, dissolve it into ten spoonfuls of posset ale, &
drink it lukewarm, then go to bed and provoke
yourself to sweating.

To be used in the first time of
the Sickness.

Another is to take five or six handfuls of
Sorrel, that grows in the field, or a grea-
ter quantity according as you will distill

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