

Scabious scoureth the chest and lungs; it is good against an old cough, shortness of breath, pain in the sides, and such like infirmities of the chest.

The same provoketh urine, and purgeth now and then rotten matter by the bladder, which happeneth when an impostume hath somewhere lain within the body.

It is reported that it cureth scabs, if the decoction thereof be drunk certain days, and the juice used in ointments.

The later Herbarists do also affirm, that it is a remedy against the bitings of Serpents and stingings of venomous beasts, being outwardly applied or inwardly taken.

The juice being drunk procureth sweat, especially with Treacle; and it speedily consumeth plague sores, if it be given in time, and forthwith at the beginning: but it must be used often.

It is thought to be forceable against all pestilent fevers.

Gerard, p. 725.

Treacle: Old Pharm. A medicinal compound, orig. a kind of salve, composed of many ingredients, formerly in repute as an alexipharmic against and antidote to venomous bites, poisons generally, and malignant diseases. Oxford English Dictionary

Jaume Saint-Hilaire, La flore. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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