If it be taken before a surfeit it keepeth it off ... and it helpeth not only before a surfeit, but also it quickly refresheth the stomach and belly after large eating and drinking.
It is oftentimes a good remedy against long and lingering agues, especially tertians: for it doth not only strengthen the stomach and make an appetite to meat, but it yieldeth strength to the liver also, and riddeth it of obstructions or stoppings, cleansing by urine naughty humors....
Again, Wormwood voideth away the worms of the guts, not only taken inwardly, but applied outwardly: it withstandeth all putrifactions, it is good against a stinking breath; it keepeth garments also from the moths; it driveth away gnats, the body being anointed with the oil thereof.
Likewise it is singular good in poultices and fomentations to bind and to dry....
It helpeth them that are strangled with eating of Mushrooms, or toad stools, if it be drunk with vinegar.
And being taken in wine, it is good against the poison of Ixia ... and of Hemlock, and against the biting of the shrew mouse, and of the Sea Dragon: it is applied to the squinsy or inflammations of the throat with honey and niter; and with water to night wheals, and with honey to swartish marks that come upon bruises.
Gerard, p. 1097-8.
Squinsy Path. Quinsy; suppurative tonsillitis. Oxford English Dictionary
Köhler, 68. Courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden.